Front Cover Design

I was immediately taken by a design for a poster by DVARTWORKS. The design creates disorder on the planet through the separation of the circle that represents the Earth as a whole. The poster essentially is saying that without trees there is no earth.

saves trees. save earth - DVARTWORKS

saves trees. save earth – DVARTWORKS

Using a similar style of design I would like to take the standardised colour tests that feature numbers in a series of bubbles. I have separared the bubble and created disorder and I will use a placeholder image of the character of myself and overlay the two together:

Initial Book Cover

Initial Book Cover

At this point the text is a working title as well as the style of typeface. Depending on the kinds of images I choose to put on the front cover I may choose to have more geometric designs.


After the taking the photographic montage I redesigned the front cover to suit the style of the book.

Book Designs

To develop this even further I may choose to fracture the Ishihara test like the DVARTWORK picture. This would sort the fractured design layout that I would like to achieve in this book.

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